Clean Water Solutions:
Drilled Boreholes
Trusted local contractors drill hundreds of feet to reach clean water.
Rainwater Catchments
A technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater, often collected from rooftops or surface-level tanks.
Piped Systems & Water Kiosks
Piping systems connect the water source to the necessary destination and kiosks enable communities to sell surplus water.
Water Filters & Purification Systems
Water treatments that help remove contaminants.
Renewable Energy
Solar panels that leverage the power of the sun to power water pumps.
WASH Programming
WASH medical clinics that include waterborne disease testing, referrals, and hygiene education.
Regenerative Agriculture Solutions:
Regenerative Farming
Holistic approach to agriculture that focuses on topsoil regeneration to support climate-friendly ecosystems by absorbing and drawing down carbon.
Water conservation technique that distributes water directly into the soil near the roots.
Mixed Crop & Livestock Farming
Small-scale farming technique that allows crops and livestock to grow together.
Land use management system in which trees are grown among crops and pastureland.
System of beehives that provide an additional food source, revenue source and pollination for the local ecosystem.
Large-scale greenhouse structures that provide year-long harvesting techniques, increase production and conserve water.
Composting & Waste Repurposing
Recycling of organic matter into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants.
Agribusiness Programming & Agronomist Support
Hands-on agriculture curriculum, teaching best practices in the industry from production to market.